Mikie Sherrill tweeted the following:
"July is National Ice Cream Month and #NJ11s very own Holstens was named the #1 ice cream shop in NJ!! Tony Soprano, Mayor Venezia, and I couldnt agree more!nj.com/food/2022/07/n"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mikie Sherrill:
"To read more about my trip and how I am working to support Ukraines efforts, stall this wars impact on the U.S., bring the costs down in NJ-11, and fend off the looming humanitarian crisis around the world, click here: sherrill.house.gov/media/press-re" on July 23Read on Twitter
"In Poland, American troops are playing a pivotal role in ensuring U.S. supplies are delivered to the Ukrainians and get to troops on the border. There, I met Specialist Hasnat and Private 1/c Vargas-Cruz, both from New Jersey, and we discussed their important work." on July 23Read on Twitter
"In the heart of Kyiv, we learned about the destruction happening across the country, the war crimes committed, and how Ukrainians are fighting back." on July 23Read on Twitter