Free to use Talented diverse little girls painting on papers with watercolors while sitting together at table | Monstera
Free to use Talented diverse little girls painting on papers with watercolors while sitting together at table | Monstera
***Broadfoot and Broadfoot Gallery will be designing multiple locations throughout the 2023 Mansions in May installation!*** Posted @withregram • @broadfootandbroadfoot writes, “please read…
This is the first time I have shared my vision of… Areté
#mansioninmay2023 The life of 4 sculptures, 4 painters and you.”
According to Aristotle, the term arete’, refers to the virtue of human excellence.
Here at Three Fields, Broadfoot & Broodfoot presents a collection of art to exemplify the character of arete’. Through years of education and practice, this group of artists have cultivated the skills, both aesthetic and moral, to attain this lofty ambition.
Areté the expression of a good life!
Original source can be found here.